Syllabus Reference

Course title Special Lecture 2
Term 通年(前期開始) Whole Year
Credit(s) 1
The main day The main period
Program/Department 40 Astronomical Science
Lecturers Ken Ohsuga
成績評価区分 Grading Scale A,B,C,Dの4段階評価 Four-grade evaluation
レベル Level Level 4
力量 Competence 専門力 Academic expertise

Full name

Outline Learn the physics of accretion disks and the fundamentals of radiation hydrodynamics
Learning objectives Explain the structure, dynamics, and energetics of accretion disks in terms of elementary physical processes.
Grading policy Final report 100%
Location Lecture Room in NAOJ Mitaka Campus and Zoom
Language Japanese
Textbooks and references 「Black‐Hole Accretion Disks:Towards a New Paradigm (Kato Shoji, Mineshige Shin, Fukue Jun)」
「Foundations of Radiation Hydrodynamics(Dimitri Mihalas, Barbara Weibel Mihalas)」
Lecture Plan 1. Lecture 1 "Overview of BH accretion flows and fundamentals of fluid dynamics"
Lecture 2: "Physics of Spherically Symmetric Accretion Flows"
Lecture 3: "Physics of Accretion Disks 1"
4. Lecture 4 "Physics of Accretion Disks 2"
5. Lecture 5 "Fundamentals of Radiation Hydrodynamics and Gas Acceleration 1"
6. Lecture 6 "Fundamentals of Radiation Hydrodynamics and Gas Acceleration 2"
7. Lecture 7 "Numerical Simulations of Accretion and Outflows around Black Holes"
Notes for students of other programs none in particular
Contact for Course Inquiries Ken Ohsuga (